Archive | December, 2011

CTM partner of SmartStripping®

The Technological Centre of Manresa (CTM) in Catalonia, collaborates in the objectives of the research to develop a conceptual model of the technique SmartStripping® that has already been tried in some sites of national interest in Italy.  CTM will define which flow pattern is applicable to the extraction of contaminants from the underground by a…

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European Water Standards

It was published the draft version (v. 4.6) of’ European-Water-Stewardship-Standard for use in Test Pilot. The EWS standard aims to be applicable to a broad range of water users and industries that may affect the availability and quality of water while still respecting the complexity of impacts linked to water use and therefore: comprises environmental,…

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Comparison of VOC’s remediation technologies

A comparison of traditional remediation techniques commonly used for the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and semi-volatile compounds (SVOCs) from the underground is exposed in the following table. The SmartStripping® characteristics are compared with Pump & Treat (P & T), Air sparging (AS) and the combination of Soil Vapor Extraction with Air Sparging (SVE/AS).

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