Welcome, www.ecosurvey.it has joined the project Zero Impact Web life gate ! Internet polluter, despite having already done a lot to reduce CO2 emissions. According to this report with the current growth rate, in 2020, data centers and telecommunication networks will consume about 2,000 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, more than triple of their current consumption levels.…
Archive | June, 2013
Italian contribution to Horizon 2020
The Workshop on the Italian contribution to Horizon 2020 Industrial leadership occurred at SMAU fair in Bologna At the workshop the priority objectives of Horizon 2020 were introduced with a focus on research and its economic and social application to industrial competitiveness, emphasizing the importance for SMEs to develop standard and applied research to new…
Assolombarda convention
Ecosurvey® participates in the Assolombarda workshop. Friday 7 june 2013 Assolombarda, Room Falck, via Chiaravalle 8, Milano Remediation and redevelopment of brownfield sites Procedural aspects, field trials and development opportunities. Aims and contents Contaminated sites are a topic of growing importance. Public and private entities have compared for several years. The workshop is an opportunity…