Green Remediation Training Course is a Cluster Meeting at Remtech Expo 2014 for the examination of the environmental effects and minimize the environmental footprint of remediation actions, with training credits.
Qualitative and quantitative tools useful in decision-making and operational for the evaluation of environmental impacts generated by the different remediation techniques have been promoted by the EPA and Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF) technicians.
On 09/17/2014 from 9:30 to 13:30 – Conference Hall Esonda RemTech Expo on 8th Remediation Exhibition
A training course for the examination of the environmental impacts of remediation will be organized by the working group SmartStripping® that operates on Green Remediation through the instrument Sitewise ™ developed by Battelle, the U.S. Navy and USACE.
SiteWiseTM, stand-alone software tool that evaluates the environmental impact of the main stages of remediation:
- Site Characterization;
- Plant Construction ;
- Plant Operation;
- Long Term monitoring.
The software allows the quantification of the direct and indirect environmental impacts using a consistent set of input parameters to measure:
- greenhouse gases emissions (NOx, CO2, SOx);
- energy consumption (kWh, liters fuel, mc gas);
- pollutants emissions (PM10 air, VOC/sVOC air and water);
- resources consumption (water, soil, air);
- the risk to workers;
- remediation cost.
The course will allow the calculation of the remediation footprint for the specific case analyzed.
Training course information and pre-registration are available to Web Page:
The application form should be sent to the following email address:
Applications form must include the curriculum of the participants. Requests for training credits were sent to engineers, geologists and chemists professional bodies.
Following you can view and download the work program.
Download (140730_Green-Sustainable-Remediation-TrainingCourse.pdf, Unknown)