You can download here the abstract of the intervention of Ing. Irene Jubany at the convention “Contaminated Site Management in Europe” (CSME) – Sustainable Approaches to remediation of Contaminated Land in Europe (SARCLE) 2014, 20-22 Ottobre, Brussels, Belgio – all right reserved© – entitled: “Emission-free groundwater treatment technology (SmartStripping®). Optimization of the technology performance by…
Archive | October, 2014
SmartStripping in 100 seconds
on 15.10.14 in Technique .
SmartStripping® in 100 seconds summarizes the main features of this green & sustainable remediation technique to cleanup the soil and groundwater from volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including organic halogen compounds and hydrocarbons. The remediation process removes the contaminants from the subsoil by a single carrier that operates in a closed cycle: the air. There are non consumption-extraction…