ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 EQMS environmental and quality

In Ecosurvey® the new requirements about quality and environment just published by ISO.

After the publication of the new International standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 for the quality and environmental management, Ecosurvey® has started a transition process to the updating for the new requirements after of 11 years of the first certification with ISO 9001 in 2005 and 9 years with the ISO 14001 in 2007.

The companies interested on the re-certification with the new ISO standards have a 3 years period to perform the transition starting from 2015. Nevertheless, it is recommended to start in advance the internal processes revision, the identification and compliance of the new requirements y and the planning of objectives.

ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 EQMS environmental and quality, the new requirements applied by Ecosurvey®.

The transition to new ISO standards provides the main 3 updated requirements as follow:

  1. The risk-based thinking: The Risk and Opportunity analysis with the aim to manage in the most proper way the potential elements that could compromise the succesful reach of the objetcives as well as improve the system if postive aspects (opportunities) are derived from such analysis.
  2. The “Life Cycle Assessment” approach applied to the products and services used and provided to the company. This important point incorporated to the EQMS Policy.
  3. The updating from the “pollution prevention”  to the “environmental tutelage”.

Ecosurvey® actions in revision:


For the first point Ecosurvey® is evaluating to modify the EQMS Manual with the aim of reach in a more efficient way its own designed objectives for quality and environment.

For the second point Ecosurvey® is evaluating a control system for the classification from the origin of the incoming products in the company with the aim of foresee the waste characteristics produced during the company processes.

For the third point Ecosurvey® is evaluating its own compromise to the “environmental tutelage” by an analytic assessment in the frame of the soil and groundwater remediation with a low environmental impact (green & sustainable remediation), as example the application of the SmartStripping® technology that aims to elude the 100% of the water discharge during the remediation process in execution.


ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015

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