The Guidelines for the background Values for soils and groundwater have been published by ISPRA: these are the criteria for the acquisition, processing and management of data aimed at determining the fund values for soils and groundwater as indicated by the following standards,
- widespread pollution (Part IV, Title V of Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent amendments)
- contaminated sites (Part IV, Title V of Legislative Decree 152/06 and s.m.i.)
- definition of the threshold values of groundwater bodies (part III of Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent amendments and Ministerial Decree 6.07.2016)
- soil and excavated waste (Presidential Decree 13.06.2017, No. 120).
The concentration of a potential contaminant detected in the field can be given by four components not necessarily present in the sample, can derive from diffrent sources:
- a) natural source
- b) anthropic diffuse
- c) anthropic punctual on site
- d) anthropic punctual extra sit
The determination of Natural Background Values (VFN) and Anthropic Background Values (VFA) can contribute, together with the development of the Conceptual Model (MC), to identify some of these components.
The Guidelines include 3 attachments:
- Annex A – “Characterization of environmental matrices for the determination of background values” ;
- Annex B – “Insights on statistics”
- Annex C – “Case studies”
Sotto puoi visualizzare o eseguire il download della Linee Guida ISPRA per i Valori di fondo per i suoli ed acque sotterranee.
Ecosurvey è a tua disposizione per approfondimenti sui Valori di fondo per i suoli ed acque sotterranee.
Download (delibere-14_LLGG-valori-di-fondo.pdf, Unknown)