Ecosurvey® and the environment

Ecosurvey® has an environmental management system according to ISO 14001 since 2006. The system is annually monitored and renewed  by an independent certificate authority that verifies the indicators performance that represent the main environmental impacts associated with the Ecosurvey® activities. Below is a description of some monitored indicators:

  • the reduction in the consumption of water resources through the reuse of treated water from plants P&T is increased by about 4.500%, during the first half 2014 compared 2007;
  • the water resources protection through the reduction of annual water discharges with the application of  “green remediation” techniques (Smartstripping ®) during the first half 2014  is 615% compared the first half 2007;
  • the vehicles with low environmental performance have been replaced by vehicles with high environmental performance allowing a reduction of about 75% of CO2 emissions in first half 2014 compared 2007;
  • the reduction of energy consumption and the production of waste (non-recyclable) has been reduced to 2/3 from 2007 to first half 2014;
  • the progressive dematerialization of paper documents, reduced paper consumption by 83% in first half 2014 compared 2007.

Ecosurvey® promotes the use “green remediation” technology as SmartStripping® in the remediation of contaminated sites; for more details on the environmental benefits you can visit the section SmartStripping® and the environment.

Ecosurvey ® has joined the Zero Impact ® project and supports the first Italian project to achieve the Kyoto Protocol targets: it reduces and compensates CO2 emissions  contributing to the creation and protection of  the Costa Rica forests and has also joined Green Industry Platform.


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