Ecosurvey® is a company operating in the field of environmental sciences for the examination, treatment, decontamination of environmental matrices: soil, subsoil, sediments, groundwater, water discharges, atmospheric emissions and waste. Through its policy confirms the commitment to the continuous improvement of the company’s performance in its processes, products and services with an integrated vision of quality and environmental protection.
Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy :
- Maintain the certification of your system in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 and UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 standards.
- Ensure compliance and timely communication of all compliance obligations with authorities, customers and all stakeholders.
- Work on continuous improvement to ensure the reliability, confidentiality, and overall customer satisfaction of each of our processes, products and services.
- Involve and raise awareness about environmental issues, quality, safety and the importance of each’s contribution to improving the safety and organizational conditions of work and environmental efficiency.
- Plan, implement, and monitor strategies and activities with the aim of enhancing environmental performance including pollution prevention, sustainable use of resources for environmental protection.
- Adopt a lifecycle approach where products and services are prioritized with a longer service life and low environmental, social and economic impact materials.
- Adopt a risk-based approach to effectively assess and address any factor that may interfere with the achievement of planned goals.
- Promote Technology Transfer and Sharing of Best Practices while fully respecting intellectual property rights, technology transfer and information to improve aspects such as reliability of supply, efficiency of production processes and stimulation of new markets.
- Increase customer satisfaction by providing qualified services and meeting the specified requirements and by providing transparency on services offered through the provision of confidential web sites for the most prominent projects.
- Increase customer satisfaction by working with qualified and certified suppliers with compatible international standards whenever possible with our EQS.
To achieve the objectives the Direction is committed to:
- will be made available economic resources/technical and personal/professional to ensure that the policy is understood, implemented and supported by all employees;
- give the necessary authority to the supervisor of the Management System to ensure the correct execution of the System; all the activities, that have influence on the quality and condition the client satisfaction by determining the success of the company, must be adequately controlled;
- verify the performance of the indicators during the reporting and review a regular intervals Management System to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
- highlight the shortcomings or undesirable tendencies and identify its causes; will be taken appropriate corrective or preventive actions for continuous improvement of services quality offered and the safety workers conditions; make available adequate resources, defining implementation time and responsibilities in the prevention of all forms of pollution.
Ecosurvey is member of the GIP Green Industry Platform PNUD:
- Improve Resource Efficiency – Sustainable use of renewable and non-renewable raw materials can be promoted by actions including increasing material productivity, selection of materials with a longer service lifetime, reducing the use of virgin materials, recycling and reusing materials, conserving water and protecting waterways and by encouraging waste water recovery and recycling.
- Strengthen Waste Management – Employee, community and ecosystem health will benefit from actions to identify, reduce and dispose of waste responsibly, including hazardous waste, and e-waste, such as by using waste as a raw material, and by energy and resource recovery.
- Reduce and Eliminate Toxic Materials – Business and community risks can be reduced through the reduced use and ultimate elimination of toxic materials as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). This can be achieved by actions such as avoiding their use in product design and manufacturing processes, by preventing releases into the environment and use of safe destruction techniques, and by their replacement with safer chemical substitutes and non-chemical based alternatives.
- Use Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – Expanded use of energy efficiency and renewable forms of energy can be achieved through actions such as substituting fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, reducing energy intensity in manufacturing processes, and reducing energy waste through co-generation and energy cascading.
- Adopt a Lifetime Approach to Product Manufacture – Products continue to have a social, economic and environmental impact after their manufacture and sale. This is why it is important that a Life-cycle approach be adopted. By incorporating smarter design, products can have enhanced durability, require fewer resources during use, are easier to reuse or recycle, and cause no or less harm when disposed of.
- Make Finance Available to Green Industry – The expansion of Green Industry technologies can be accelerated by measures to promote investment in research, manufacturing and marketing. The provision of finance and financial incentives, such as tax relief, subsidies, removing bottlenecks to capital flows, concessional loans and green procurement, to start-ups in green sectors and to companies actively promoting low-carbon renewable energy and resource efficient technologies are examples of actions that can be taken.
- Promote Technology Transfer and Share Best Practice – Modern information technologies make sharing of information faster and easier than ever, with huge potential for mutual benefits. While fully respecting intellectual property rights, the transfer of technology and information on best practices – including on a South- South basis – can be used along the value chain to improve such aspects as the reliability of supply, the efficiency of manufacturing processes, and the stimulation of new markets.
- Green Global Value Chains – Value chains can have negative impacts on the environment during extraction, production, processing, transportation, use and disposal. The value chain may also be affected by environmental degradation, which can lead to reduced productivity and increased production cost and risk. Greening of the value chain, for example reducing emissions by fostering technical change, can contribute to achieving both efficiency and productivity targets.
- Support Research and Innovation – In technology revolutions throughout history, research and innovation have played a crucial role. A positive enabling environment for research and innovation can be created by measures such as promoting education on Green Industry, establishing and expanding national learning and innovation hubs that bring together regulators, industry and academia to explore how priority sectors can be transformed through research, technology development and training.
- Encourage Green Industries and Jobs – Green Industries have huge potential for creating new and attractive jobs in expanding the manufacturing and service sectors. Combined with training and capacity building programs, and market incentives, there is wide scope for greening existing industries and for creating new green manufacturing businesses. This can be done, for example, by building on the successes of companies that offer design and implementation of energy saving projects, material and energy conservation, power generation (e.g. renewable energy), distribution (e.g. Smart grids), and financial engineering, as well as providing entrepreneurship training and supporting cluster networks.
- Set Green Industry Targets – Setting targets is a proven management tool for unlocking creativity and improving organizational performance. As part of an overall business plan, financial and Green Industry targets can be complementary, resulting in lower operating costs and risks, and increased competitiveness. Examples of Green Industry targets include for specific sectors or technologies (e.g. energy), reduction of specific pollutants (e.g. CO2), increasing material and energy efficiency, and switching to renewable energy sources.
Ecosurvey is member of the Clust-ER Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile of the Emilia Romagna Region:
- Sustainable development (“green and blue economy”) in the areas of waste and waste management and the most rational use of resources (including by-products and secondary raw materials), reduction of harmful emissions into the environment and management and a proper valorisation of natural resources.
- Enhancement of regional innovation for the export of advanced services for integrated water management, remediation and prevention including the area environmental sensors development.
- Strengthening of the regional system of research and innovation, favoring a more effective interaction between laboratories and companies.
- Promotion of common actions for the exploitation of research results and knowledge transfer.
- Promotion of actions for higher education.
Bologna, 30 July2018
The Direction