Tuesday May 20, 2014, Palazzo Grassi, Via Marsala 12, Bologna
SmartStripping® is a green remediation technique for groundwater reclamation: avoids atmospheric emissions, natural resource consumption, and wastewater sewage drainage. The significant reduction in environmental impacts and the technological innovation of Smartstripping® enabled the European Commission to co-finance the most important ground & groundwater pilot project in Italy under the Eco-Innovation Program, the Competitiveness and Innovation Initiative CIP Innovation (EACI). The workshop is aimed at researchers, professionals and technicians who will be able to deal with the topics of the Green Remediation and SmartStripping Trials already completed and ongoing: will be moderated by Professor Ferruccio Trifirò, Head of the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry at the University of Bologna. There will also be technical tables for the transfer of know-how in favor of the application of green remediation techniques.
Workshop agenda
9:15 Welcome and introduction: Dr. Francesco Caridei, Project Coordinator SmartStripping®
9:30 Chairman: The Importance of Green Remediation: Prof. Ferruccio Trifirò, University of Bologna
10:00 SmartStripping® on-site application: Dr. Roberto Verri, SmartStripping®
10:20 On-site sampling, methodology analysis and results: Dr. Fulvio Borrino, Felsilab
10:40 Environmental Indicators in Green Remediation: Ing. Alessia Avantaggiato, SmartStripping®
11:00 Modeling of SmartStripping®: Ing. Irene Jubany, CTM Barcelona
11:20 Technical Tables and Interviews
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Visit of a SmartStripping® system
14:30 and 16:30 Guided tour Palazzo Pepoli, Museum of Bologna (time 16:00 and 18:00)
For memberships: write to workshop@ecrozvey.it by sending the invitation form below. Information: Ing. Alessia Avantaggiato tel. 051 7457013.