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Opening tender PhD ITalents

Opening tender PhD ITalents  dedicated to PhDs. On Thursday April 14 the PhD call ITalents dedicated to PhDs will open, therefore from that date the approved project will be published on Once the evaluation of PhDs candidates will be done, selected companies will receive the profiles of PhD graduates for the next stage of…

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Seal of excellence for Green Remediation Label®

Seal of excellence for Green Remediation Label® Certificate delivered by the European Commission to the Ecosurvey®’s project for Green Remediation label®, a label to certify the environmental footprint of a remediation Submitted under the Horizon 2020’s SME instrument phase 1 call H2020-SMEInst-2014-2015 (H2020-SMEINST-1-2014) of 18 June 2014 in the area of Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument).…

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iTalents: Green & Sustainable Remediation

In November 2015 Ecosurvey® submitted the following project to the PhD ITalents programme, co-funded by the partnership of the Ministry of Education , Confindustria and CRUI Foundation. The programme aims to  identifies companies for the positioning of PhDs to conduct specific researches. “In accordance with the principles of Green & Susteinable Remediation, development a web…

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G_XXIII_rimozione UST

Green remediation restarts a requalification after 13 years

Contaminated area for requalification stopped for over 13 years due excessive remediation costs: fuel depot near Bologna. Ecosurvey has been appointed to review the case of the 13 years dismissed industrial site abandoned due to excessive remediations costs: it proposed a solution of Green Remediation with low environmental impact. Within 10 mounts the following actions…

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Converting brownfield properties

March 24, 2015 Italian Decree on converting brownfield properties, with the supporto of Italian Government and 150 M€ of proposed budget for the period 2015-2017. The act will have to pass the examination of the Commission for Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Senate and follow the passage through Parliament. You can follow the progress…

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CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

Eurostat estimates that in 2014 CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion decreased by 5.0% in the European Union (EU), compared with the previous year. CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion are the major contributor to global warming and account for all EU greenhouse gas emissions. Theyare influenced by factors such as climate conditions, economic growth,…

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Water Foot Print

Waterfootprint: sustainable use of water

Everything we eat needs water to grow. In July 2015 the project on the sustainable use of water in Europe is completed. Theory and practice on water use and member organizations waterfootprint is examined. The working group has examined various aspects of “water and sustainability” across the board by examining the causes of the current water…

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schema impianto cgl bituminoso

Carbon monoxide in atmosphere: threshold from 50 to 250 mg/Nmc

Carbon monoxide in the atmosphere: threshold value changed from 50 to 250 mg / Nmc, applicable for an asphalt production plants and established by a Services Conference in Tuscany, in response to a “particular” application of Decree February 5, 1998 concerning to the recovery of road milled 17.03.02 CER “at cold temperature.” Generally the existing asphalt production…

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Polluter pays, not the owner? not responsible!

Accordingly, whereas one line of authority — based, inter alia, on the precautionary principle, the principle that preventive action should be taken and the ‘polluter pays’ principle, all of which are specific to EU law — considers the owner to be under an obligation to adopt emergency safety measures and rehabilitation measures even where that…

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