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CO2 levels

Green certification (REC): buying medieval indulgences?

Geologists can not predict earthquakes, but they can describe the geological cycles that regulate the CO2 balance of the Planet, from its origins to today and they can predict and account the excess of CO2 that suffocates the Planet. Many companies have shown significant commitments on the problem of excess CO2 and invested in climate…

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Surface water runoff: crime in absence of law

Surface water runoff: crime in absence of law As it flows over the land surface, stormwater picks up potential pollutants that may include sediment, nutrients (from lawn fertilizers), bacteria (from animal and human waste), pesticides (from lawn and garden chemicals), metals (from rooftops and roadways), and petroleum by-products (from leaking vehicles): the Decree 152/2006 estabilish with…

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europe water cost

Arsenic Limit in Public Water

The cost of water in Italy is among the lowest in Europe, supports CENSIS in Issue 4 of the Diary of the Transition. It is also known that the quality of public water, despite national regulations, is very variable and locally very poor for high content of Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Vanadium, Magnesium, Selenium, Sulfates, Boron,…

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SmartStripping in 100 seconds

SmartStripping® in 100 seconds summarizes the main features of this green & sustainable remediation technique to cleanup the soil and groundwater from volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including organic halogen compounds and hydrocarbons. The remediation process removes the contaminants from the subsoil by a single carrier that operates in a closed cycle: the air.  There are non consumption-extraction…

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Italian Tin paradox solved

After 12 months of the publication of our article about the Tin paradox, it happened what not happened in 13 years: the Italian Government corrected the error ! The Italian Paradox on Tin soil contamination is known among professionals who deal with problems of soil contamination: engineers, geologists, chemists, public administrators, but also lawyers, accountants, real estate…

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Waste on public land Council of State against the Campania Region

Abandoned waste sites on public area, judgment against Campania Region for Frattamaggiore Town, to decide who should pay for the removal of abandoned waste and the remediation of the polluted area. The story begins from the small Town of Frattamaggiore, arrives in the Campania Region, also in the Regional Administrative Court and finally reaches the…

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Workshop SmartStripping Green Remediation

Tuesday May 20, 2014, Palazzo Grassi, Via Marsala 12, Bologna SmartStripping® is a green remediation technique for groundwater reclamation: avoids atmospheric emissions, natural resource consumption, and wastewater sewage drainage. The significant reduction in environmental impacts and the technological innovation of Smartstripping® enabled the European Commission to co-finance the most important ground & groundwater pilot project…

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CO2 and greenhouse gas reduction

The CO2 and greenhouse gas reduction program, according to the Kyoto Protocol, has been transposed through the EC/2003/87  Directive (Emission Trading Scheme or EU ETS), in Italy by the ex-Legislative Decree 216/2006 and subsequently, the key principles for the calculation of CO2 emissions were set out in EU Decision 2007/589/EC as follows: Completeness: Complete and comprehensive…

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