Tag Archives | contaminated site

Values for Soils and Groundwater

Background values for soils and groundwater

The Guidelines for the background Values for soils and groundwater have been published by ISPRA: these are the criteria for the acquisition, processing and management of data aimed at determining the fund values for soils and groundwater as indicated by the following standards, widespread pollution (Part IV, Title V of Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent…

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Italian Tin paradox solved

After 12 months of the publication of our article about the Tin paradox, it happened what not happened in 13 years: the Italian Government corrected the error ! The Italian Paradox on Tin soil contamination is known among professionals who deal with problems of soil contamination: engineers, geologists, chemists, public administrators, but also lawyers, accountants, real estate…

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Emergency Safety Measures

In 2011, a company that operates in the field of industrial coatings and resins receives the measure that includes ” activation no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of this notice of appropriate safety measures put in through the pumping of groundwater and the subsequent treatment / disposal , in order to…

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scarico acqua

Does the authorized water discharges on sewege pollute the subsoil?

Based on the current legislation, it is  possible that authorized water discharges on sewege pollute the subsoil? Legal background The attachment n. 3 of third part of The Decree (Government delegated by Parliament) n. 152/2006 of April 3rd, “Norms on environmental matters”, defines the public drainage limits in sewerage and the attachment n. 5 of…

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Remediation handbook

Ecosurvey® was recommended in “design remediation” on “Il Sole 24 ore – Environment & Safety” supplement; the publication was the first “Remediation handbook” published in 2004 in which are listed the Italian companies that provide environmental services in the subsoil remediation field.    

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