Tag Archives | SmartStripping


Remtech 2014 – SmartStripping: Green Sustainable remediation

Puoi scaricare l’extended abstract e le slide dell’intervento dell’Ing. Irene Jubany (CTM) al Convegno Remtech 2014, 18 settembre, Ferrara, Italia – tutti i diritti riservati © – dal titolo: “Una tecnologia innovativa di green remediation: applicazioni in sito, modellazione e simulazione matematica” I. Jubany, M. Calderer, X. Gómez, M. D. Riera, V. Martí, C.B. Mosangini,…

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SmartStripping Chimica e Ambiente

E’ disponibile per download l’articolo su GreenRemediation, SmartStripping Chimica e Ambiente pubblicato sul redazionale nel numero di luglio/agosto 2014. Autori: Claudia Beatrice Mosangini, SmartStripping® Project manager Irene Jubany, Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic Manresa Martí Vicenç Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Fulvio Borrino, Felsilab srl

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Palazzo Grassi

SmartStripping GreenRemediation a Palazzo Grassi Bologna

SmartStripping GreenRemediation è una tecnica per la bonifica del sottosuolo priva di emissioni in atmosfera, consumi di risorse naturali e spreco di acque sotterranee scaricate in fognatura: progetto di sperimentazione co-finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del programma Eco-Innovation. Al Workshop del 20.05.2014 a Palazzo Grassi di Bologna sono stati presentati gli esiti delle sperimentazioni eseguite in Italia da Ecosurvey,…

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130920_stand ecosurvey remtech 2013

Ecosurvey partner di Remtech 2013

Ecosurvey® partner di Remtech 2013 ha presentato le opportunità di finanziamento del programma Horizon 2020 promosso dalla Comunità Europea per il periodo 2014-2020 ed ha supportato la Fiera di Ferrara insieme ai partners qui elencati. Tra la rassegna stampa dell’evento segnaliamo la pagina de Il Resto del Carlino del 19.09.2013. Al convegno sulle modalità di Bonifica delle acque contaminate…

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Grosseto SmartStripping


Sperimentazione Grosseto

The experimental site is an active fuel station located in the Provincia of Grosseto. The first subsurface consists of alluvial deposits with a predominance of sands, affected by the presence of a phreatic aquifer with an average thickness of 5.5 m and depth to water for 1.5 m. Groundwater contain hydrocarbons, methyl-t-butyl-ether, Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes. The total hydrocarbons initial concentrations were in the order of 2,000 µg/l, the MTBE initial concentrations were 6,000 µg/l, the total aromatic hydrocarbons initial concentrations were in the order of 100 µg/l.



In this site a SmartStripping® remediation system replaced a previously realized Pump&Stop for which has not been granted permission to the discharge of treated water. SmartStripping® was realized with two injection/extraction wells fed by a system of air circulation: injection and aspiration.
Groundwater was monitored by the clients through a net of about ten monitoring piezometers installed in the intervention area also with the aim of ensuring the control of the water quality coming out of the site perimeter. The interstitial gases were monitored through specific gas monitoring probes.



Remediation targets

Remediation targets have been achieved after about 20 months of activity during which SmartStripping® has removed a total of about 240 kg of hydrocarbons from underground, reducing the concentrations of MTBE, total hydrocarbons and BTEX to 6 µg/l, 16 µg/l and <0.23 µg/l respectively. The solution SmartStripping® is economically more advantageous and more effective in the removal of contaminants from groundwater compared to the Pump & Stop system previously realized.



Environmental benefits

The remediation system led to a significant reduction in the volatile pollutants concentrations and their extraction from underground. In 20 months of activity, we measured the following environmental benefits: the purification and preservation of approximately30.000 mcof groundwater, not extracted from the ground and not discharged into surface water or sewer, the missed emission in atmosphere of 1.000.000mcof air purified in the closed air-cycle of SmartStripping®, the production of zero kgof waste, since all the waste of the system, including activated carbons, have been regenerated and reused.
